Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?
Senior Crisis Team
What is the Senior Crisis Team (SCT)?
The Senior Crisis Team is a special team of TIP volunteers who provide immediate support to seniors in crisis. SCT provides immediate in home crisis intervention services designed to help seniors recover from unexpected crisis events. Also, SCT is called to assist disoriented or isolated seniors who are referred by concerned emergency responders.
Services Provided By the Senior Crisis Team
On scene crisis support: SCT responds on a 24-hour, 365-day a year basis whenever a senior in crisis needs help.
Senior Connection: SCT volunteers will serve as a bridge between seniors in crisis and the many community services available to seniors. SCT provides a senior Resource Manual to Emergency Responders, seniors, and family members.
Critical Incident Response: The Senior Crisis Team is mobilized when a crisis event occurs in a senior center, a senior housing complex or a residential care facility
When the Senior Team is Called?
The Senior Crisis Team can be called after any type of crisis event. Following are examples of when the Senior Response Team is called:
• To support a senior after the death of a spouse.
• To assist a senior crime victim.
• To support a disoriented senior who is referred by concerned emergency personnel to assist a senior following the suicide of their spouse.
• To support seniors who are traumatized by a major crisis event in a senior center, nursing home or other senior housing facility. -
How the Senior Crisis Response Team Works.
Often, emergency responders are the first called to help seniors in crisis. Firefighters respond to assist seniors when medical emergencies or death occurs. Police officers are called by neighbors and family members to check on the welfare of isolated or disoriented seniors. Although emergency responders can help seniors in acute crisis and can identify those with chronic problems, they don’t have the time or resources to provide ongoing assistance. Emergency responders call the Senior Crisis Team to help seniors in crisis with resources and transition.
Why the Senior Crisis Team?
Seniors are resilient and have coped with crisis events throughout their lives. However, when an unexpected event strikes a frail, disoriented, isolated or depressed senior, the effects can be devastating. These vulnerable seniors may not have the physical strength, the financial resources or the social support to begin rebuilding their lives after crisis events. The senior crisis team can help locate resources and services for this transition.